Chao Hsuan
  • 2022
  • 2021
Chao Hsuan
趙璿1990年生於台北,2017年畢業於台北市立大學視覺藝術研究所,2010年中國文化大學美術學系就學期間於台中市/宜蘭縣政府文化局《PEIPAI 藝術聯展》嶄露頭角,後受邀展出於台灣各大城市。

Chao Hsuan was born in Taipei in 1990 and graduated from the University of Taipei Graduate School of Visual Arts in 2017. Chao moved under the spotlight during “PEIPAI 2010: The Associate Exhibition in Winter” (organized by Taichung City/Yilan County Cultural Affairs Bureau) in 2010 while studying at university and was later invited to exhibit her works across Taiwan.


Chao Hsuan: “The creative practice is like writing a diary, a self-exploration connected with the outside world. The creative practice is a state of fluidity, one that is difficult to grasp, finally captured as a scene or a line of poetry.” The inner states of existence are always eloquently portrayed in the works of Chao Hsuan. Through intertwined lines and uneven textures, the wet pigments semi-automatically pool in parts of the works due to different absorption rates of the surface, cleverly embodying the progress of time. Although the scene remains the same, the people within have changed, with memories flowing in between like splendid colors that crystalize into different shapes, hoping viewers will find traces of themselves and their memories, resonating with the works.

在瘋狂之後130x163cm 壓克力, 炭筆, 油性粉彩
Dream 100x80cm 壓克力, 炭筆, 油性粉彩