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Hakuta received an art doctorate degree in Fine Art and Design from the University of Tsukuba, in 2012. Hakuta Yoshuya master of Asian Gouache painting also combines Japanese Paper、Rock Pigment、Water-Ink Pigment、Silver Foil、Tinsel to build a beautiful and delicate visual effects, in Hakuta lastest creation, we can see all the animals are full of energy in progress anthropomorphic cultural behavior, each character in the painting has its texture, which symbolizes "peace", "happiness", and “prosperity". it also gives animals a dynamic and elegant image, bringing out poetry. Convey that all things have their unique meaning and value in the world. The animals in the artist's writing are not purely individual creations, but open up their worldview. Each picture is transformed into a lively and vivid story situation. Hakuta yoshuya also mentioned in the readme that "We watch the works in front of us. At times, there will be many exchanges, such as understanding, reading, guessing…, When facing animals, because of the differences in language, even though observation and speculation, there are still places we cannot understand, it’s interesting and charming. " His work has attracted the attention of art lovers and art institutions at home and abroad. The exhibition has covered Eurasia, including Germany, Japan, Singapore, and other countries.

月光浴 90×180cm 麻紙、落水紙、アルミ箔、水干絵具
青い鳥 65x54cm 麻紙、落水紙、アルミ箔、墨、水干絵具
虹 62x137cm 麻紙、岩絵具、水干絵具、銀箔
追逐26.5×53cm 鳥之子紙、落水紙、金箔、岩繪具、水干繪具
午夜祭典-猿鹿篇 379.5x90 cm 麻紙、岩絵具、水干絵具、落水紙、金箔
乘風破浪-遇大章魚篇 110x224cm 麻紙、落水紙、岩絵具、水干絵具、銀箔、洋箔
真夜中ノ祭典 86.7X145.5cm *2 和紙、寒冷紗、落水紙、岩繪具、水干繪具、洋箔
追星 60.3x60.3cm 和紙、寒冷紗、岩繪具、水干繪具
Night sound 122x84.4cm 岩繪具、水干繪具、麻紙、寒冷紗、落水紙 2016